Categories of Tutors
Categories of Tutors
We have three categories of Tutors
1. Prime Tutors
2. General Tutors
3. Backup Tutors
Who are Backup Tutors?
When a tutor fills the Tutor Registration form completely (without paying any charges) with all fields properly filled and uploads all relevant documents supporting his/her information, then he/she will be automatically registered as a Backup tutor. He/she will receive a confirmation E-Mail regarding this.
As we have been in this profession for a long time, we have reliable teachers in almost every field/class/subject.
But sometimes there are situations when they are unable to go there or we don’t have teachers according to clients’ requirements.
In this case, we call/message Backup Tutors, check their availability, and appoint them.
But this process is slow, sometimes a tutor has to wait for a whole session to get tuition. If the tutor is not in a hurry and wants only one or two assignments then this option is best suited to him/her.
But if a tutor needs tuition on an urgent basis then obviously he/she has to pay the registration fee. For Paid Registration, there are two categories PRIME TUTORS and General Tutors.
Who are General Tutors?
First, we search our database for prime tutors for a particular inquiry, if we do not find any suitable tutor, then we search in the General Tutors category, and after that the Backup Tutors category.
General Tutors will get tuition only when no Prime Tutor is available at a particular location. Tutors who are not in a hurry and have time to take only one or two tuitions may join as General Tutors.
Who are Prime Tutors?
Most of the tutors who work with us are Prime Tutors. Prime tutors as the name suggests are tutors who are our First Preference.
Prime tutors are like our permanent employees who work on a commission basis but get a healthy amount every month from our tuitions like a fixed salary.
We always try to keep them occupied and try to give classes in the same location/nearby locations to save their time.
Only those tutors are selected for Prime Tutors who are honest, reliable and do not hide anything from us.
We (Bureau and tutor) both think for the benefit of each other it is necessary for a long relationship.
Usually, a tutor does not know how to promote himself/herself on Google, or how to be popular in a locality through online media. We do all this for Prime Tutors. We made a full-page profile of the prime tutors on our website and attached their student reviews given on Google. All this helps the tutor to be popular in a particular location.
How may I get benefits if I join as a prime tutor?
How are you (VTTS) different from others?
What are the real benefits of paying 10% every month?
Before asking these questions.
Ask yourself, why do I need a bureau?
What are my expectations from a bureau?
Probable thoughts that may come to your mind are
- I am unable to fulfill all my time slots using the resources currently I have.
- I can earn more if my free time is properly utilized.
- I have already told all my friends and known people but am still unable to utilize my vacant time.
- I can distribute pamphlets but again it is not very effective these days.
- I don’t know how to promote myself on Google.
Should I contact a tuition agency (bureau)?
Ohh…Tuition agency?..……
What I am thinking?……….
- Bureaus are cheaters,
- they exploit teachers,
- they don’t give money on time,
- always keep some amount with them by giving lame excuses,
- give fake inquiries, and send the same inquiry to 5-7 tutors.
Many such negative thoughts may come to your mind.
Yes, you are right, some bureaus are like that.
But many bureaus give genuine leads, care for their teachers, and support their teachers when they are in need. VTTS is one such bureau.
How VTTS is different from others?
1. Genuine Leads:
We have been in this field since 1995.
We have goodwill in our area. We get genuine and reliable leads from our past clients.
Even though we have clients who have hired teachers for themselves, now they are hiring teachers for their children.
2. Organized System:
We are always in touch with our clients.
We take monthly feedback, if they have any issue with the teacher we sort it out smoothly as soon as possible.
Issue digital receipt of fees collected every month.
Help students by giving notes, assignments, and question papers from other schools when they have any such requirements.
All these things build a strong relationship between us and our clients.
That’s why most of our leads are 100% genuine and long-lasting.
3. Supports Tutors:
We always support our tutors in all circumstances like when they need any kind of guidance, need study material, or have any type of misunderstanding/dispute with clients.
When you need a few days’ breaks we can try to arrange a temporary replacement tutor on your behalf of you on your demand to save your tuition(s).
Never let yourself feel that you are alone.
4. Allows tutors to collect most of their fees.
5. Rewards Tutors:
We reward you by giving you, a healthy amount of tuition, tuition of our reliable clients, and long-lasting tuition when they perform better compared to other tutors.
We have an automatic points system to maintain all this.
6. Career Growth System:
Hardworking and deep subject knowledge tutors grow much more compared to others in our system.
- We give creamy tuitions to them,
- engaging them in coaching institutes,
- help them to start their institutes,
- help them to start their online coaching system to teach students from other states/countries.
7. Promote you on Google:
We promote our Prime tutors on Google through our website and other means.
When anyone searches for you with your name or your teaching subjects in your locality, Google will list your details with student references and feedback.
To maintain all these we have to do extra hard work. All this also consumes more resources.
This is one of the reasons why we charge 10% every month.
Don’t worry you don’t have to pay this amount from your pocket.
We already charge monthly fees 10% higher compared to other bureaus. We can do this because more than 60% of our tuition is from past clients or reference tuitions.
We already have surplus Prime Tutors, backed by General Tutors and Backup Tutors.
So we never force you to take a particular class.
We drop a WhatsApp message to you by giving the student details, his or her exact location, the fee fixed, the number of days the students need classes, etc.
You simply have to think, OK…. this is the fee amount.
I have to pay 10% every month. Reduce 10% of that fee amount.
Now think, is this amount suits me?
It’s purely your decision to accept or reject that tuition. We never force you to take a class for which even you are 99% interested.
You may take our services to fill your vacant time slots. When you are sure you may get tuition from your resources. Simply reply “Sorry I don’t have time”. We don’t have any problem with this type of reply.
You may take our 10% service charges positively. Even if you have just 1 or 2 tuitions from us, you will be in touch as we will communicate with each other every month regarding that class or classes.
This will help us, to build a long relationship and to understand each other more effectively.
Now a question arises how does VTTS allot tuition to prime tutors?
On what criteria does VTTS select a tutor for particular tuition?
Let us take an example to explain our system. Let us assume VTTS gets 2-3 calls for a particular subject say Maths in a month or we can say around 30 calls in a year at a particular locality.
Clients put many conditions on us to choose a tutor, like
- based on Gender,
- Qualifications,
- age group,
- school teacher,
- timings,
- Language fluency,
- married,
- unmarried,
- college-going, etc.
We need at least 8 to 10 maths tutors based on varieties of demands by clients in a year for these 30 calls, which means around 20 maths tutors in a year for 60 to 70 calls and so on….
At the start of the session when we have plenty of result-oriented, honest, reliable tutors available.
In which order to occupy them is a tough task for us.
To solve this problem VTTS has developed software that awards points (positive as well as negative) to tutors based on,
- feedback from clients,
- their behaviour,
- timings punctuality,
- subject knowledge,
- bonding with students,
- feedback given by tutors to VTTS on time,
- punctuality of classes reports sent to us,
- timely commissions were given by you to us,
- The number of classes fixed by you, etc.
Based on all these points/criteria software suggests tutors to us at a particular location/ subject/ class.
So we can say there is tough competition among tutors to maintain their points to get tuition timely.