Tutor Registration Step2
Thanks for sharing the information with us. Tutor Registration Step2 is the 2nd page of 3 pages Tutor Registration form. If you face any problem filling out this form, please visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” section (FAQs-Tutors).
We also need some personal information from you, like your present and permanent address, DOB, References, Qualification details, etc. with documental proofs. We hope you are comfortable with it.
All this information that you are sharing with us, will be always between you and us. We will never share it with a third party. We need to know your actual qualification and experience (without documents we will not believe you).
The data (information) that you have entered in the last screen and will enter in this screen will not be saved in our database until you fill all three forms.
On the next screen, you will also see our Terms & Conditions and our criteria to select Tutors.
You have to fill all three forms continuously without refreshing the 2nd and 3rd Form otherwise no data will be saved in our database. So be ready with relevant documents for upload before submitting this form.
The more clearly and in detail you fill this Registration Form, the more chances you will grab compared to others. If you are filling this form with honesty, this also shows that you have faith in us so we will also prefer you and give you more chances(leads).